Monday, July 19, 2004

arrival #2

I arrived at the place I´ll be staying at 11am.  It´s in the ¨new city,¨ a couple of blocks from the old,  UN world heritage site, city.  The building itself is completely without charm - grey cement, streaked with moisture.  But the inside is nice.  My room is a good size, and I have a window that overlooks the street.  Even though my suitcase still hasn´t arrived, it feels good to be able to take a shower and rest.
The local internet café is kind of fun.  It´s a flight down from the street and quite hot despite the fan that blows my hair in all directions.  It´s full of pimply, cigarette smoking teenagers who play against one another in networked games.  The whole thing is presided over by a heavy guy with long greasy hair who has more than a passing resemblance to silent bob.


Blogger fivetonsflax said...

Oddly, cybercafé denizens are exactly the same everywhere in the world.

July 19, 2004 at 10:11 AM  

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